Unfair? You be the judge.
From The Blog
An Interactive Introduction to Attractor Landscapes
By Nick Case (playing time ~ 5mins): A peaceful movement fights against violence and oppression for years, and nothing much changes. Then, everything changes. Why do many complex systems –… Read more “An Interactive Introduction to Attractor Landscapes”
It’s Time to Admit That Iceberg Is a Superior Lettuce
Helen Rosner for the New Yorker: But, like its glacial namesake, iceberg lettuce has a lot more going on beneath the surface. I grow my own micro… Read more “It’s Time to Admit That Iceberg Is a Superior Lettuce”
War Without End
C. J. Chivers writing for New York Times Magazine: On one matter there can be no argument: The policies that sent these men and women abroad, with… Read more “War Without End”
Why Capitalism Creates Pointless Jobs – Evonomics
David Graeber over at Evonomics: It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working. And here,… Read more “Why Capitalism Creates Pointless Jobs – Evonomics”
Forget Congress. Facebook’s real problem is in Europe. – The Washington Post
Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman for The Washington Post Up until recently, the cost of being careless about our privacy as everyday folk has been minor or… Read more “Forget Congress. Facebook’s real problem is in Europe. – The Washington Post”
Research Blog: Looking to Listen: Audio-Visual Speech Separation
From the Google Research Blog Holy moly this will be some next level spy shit. Guaranteed. In “Looking to Listen at the Cocktail Party”, we present a… Read more “Research Blog: Looking to Listen: Audio-Visual Speech Separation”
Android’s trust problem isn’t getting better – The Verge
Vlad Savov for The Verge I agree, but I also take issue with Vlad’s dismissal of the androidone initiative and seemingly the Pixel and Nexus phones as… Read more “Android’s trust problem isn’t getting better – The Verge”
Multivitamins are not only ineffective, but dangerous | Big Think
Vitamins in pill form have always seemed odd to me. DEREK BERES for The Big Think
Probes Point to Northrop Grumman Errors NOT SpaceX in Spy-Satellite Failure
Andy Pasztor reports for WSJ: Government and industry experts have tentatively concluded that engineering and testing errors by Northrop Grumman Corp. caused a U.S. spy satellite to… Read more “Probes Point to Northrop Grumman Errors NOT SpaceX in Spy-Satellite Failure”